About The Review STAR

The Review STAR is a website where you can get great reviews of great books. And here's something else- these books are for kids and teens, reviewed by someone their age! You can find great books that may actually make you want to read. You can also post reviews on "Reviews By You" posts. I hope you have fun!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Nick McIver Time Adventures- Older Children and Teen

Nick Of Time by Ted Bell
It's 1939. Nick McIver is wandering around Greybeard Island, in the English Channel, when he discovers a time machine. Evil pirate Billy Blood is desperate to find that machine. Meanwhile Nick's sister Kate and their friend Hobbes are trapped on a Nazi U-boat.
The Time Pirate by Ted Bell
Nick discovers his father's old Sopwith Camel and with the help of Gunner, Hobbes and Lord Hawke the plane is running again! Nick uses it to bomb the invading Nazis. Meanwhile, Billy Blood kidnaps Kate in return for the time machine. But in the process, Kate discovers a plot that may change the outcome of the Revolutionary War. Book #2

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Reviews By You!

Go wild posting reviews of YOUR favorite books! Remember to say if it is a kid book or teen book.

The Alchemyst- Teen

The Alchemyst is a Fantasy book by the author Michael Scott. If you like magic and adventure then this is the book for you. This book is about Josh and Sophie Newman, two twins who are special in the world of magic. They discover that the bookshop owner, Mr. Fleming, and his wife are not who they seem, and the "Flemings" take them on a wild magical adventure. Book #1 of The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series. 4 1/2 stars.