About The Review STAR

The Review STAR is a website where you can get great reviews of great books. And here's something else- these books are for kids and teens, reviewed by someone their age! You can find great books that may actually make you want to read. You can also post reviews on "Reviews By You" posts. I hope you have fun!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Maud Hart Lovelace Books- Book Talk Time!

Have you read any of the Maud Hart Lovelace 2010-2011 books? If so, I'd like to hear what you have to say about them. Was Alabama Moon adventurous and daring? Was Eleven mysterious? I'd like to know!
Remember to check out a review I did on a Maud Hart Lovelace book, A Crooked Kind Of Perfect!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Book Talk Time!

If you have read any of my listed books, I'd like YOUR feedback on these books. If you want to post reviews of other books go to Reviews By You.

A Crooked Kind Of Perfect

A Crooked Kind Of Perfect, by Linda Urban, is a really fantastic book! It's funny, impressive, and very unique. This book follows eleven-year-old Zoe Elias and her hilarious family, funny friends,big musical dreams and her Perfectone D-60 organ (Not what she wanted). But at the Perfectone Perform-A-Rama, Zoe finds new hope. For older children.

Maud Hart Lovelace 2010-2011!

Guardians Of Ga'Hoole

Guardians Of Ga'Hoole is a series of books about fictional owls by the author Kathryn Lasky. I have read books 1-5 but there are many more. Books 1-5 follow an owl named Soren, and his friends (and enemies), through wild and amazing adventures. I highly reccomend this series for kids in 3rd grade and older.